Left Handed Whelk Shell 15-18cm | Home Decor Idea
Shell size: 15-18cm.
Description & Application:
The shell is so named as it spirals contrary to the normal direction of most marine gastropods.
The most famous rare left handed shell is the Chank shell Turbinella pyrum The right handed form of the species is common in waters off the coasts of India and Sri Lanka, but left handed specimens are extremely rare and revered by Hindus.
Our contrarium shells are one of the very few gastropod species that regularly produce a left handed shell.
Just to confuse everyone completely.... in the West we view the shells with the pointy bit upper most and see them as either right handed or left handed , in Hindu culture the shells are seen the other way up so the left handed shells then become the common ones and the right handed ones are the rare ones ........ vive la difference !!
Classification: Busycon contrarium Conrad